Current Book

Reviewing The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail bu Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee at the moment.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Online Publishing

I posted a story on Teen Ink. Here's the link:

P.S. - You guys have probably already read this, its from class.

Lord of the Flies


The Lord of the Flies is done. I must say, it was a great book, definatly not what I was expecting for must of the part. I can't wait to do my book talk, I already have it planned. See you all Wednesday! (5/23)

          - Jordan

Lord of the Flies!

Ok, so Lord of the Flies is really good. It has already gotten better. There have been fights and stuff, but I think they're working through it. So, the boys have food and water and stuff, and one boy just killed a boar. Pretty cool. The main characters are few - like four so far - and kind of oppinion based. There are also some minor characters, but they don't move the story much. Back to reading!

Book Review

So, I choose Lord of the Flies by William Golding for my book report. I just started it, and it's pretty good so far. I really like how it just jumps right into the adventure. There isn't any introducing-the-characters type thing. At first, I thought the book wouldn't be very good because the boy's english was worded weird, but it's getting better. I really hope the book is as awesome as it sounds!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

TEOGROMITMM vs. The Capulets!

Please note: This is not a real fight. There will be no injuries, and we will not be going to a boxing ring, or anything of the sort. Understand? Thank you for your consideration.

AH! Its like surprise homework. Just went back over my homework sheet and found this blog post! Sorry for the lateness.

Okay, so the Capulets and the Hunsdorfers are pretty close in comparison in some ways. Juliet is practically a match for Tillie (obviously with just different interests in mind...). Juliet wants to see Romeo, while in Tillie's case she wants to learn more about the atom. Both their parents are against what each respective child wants to do. Capulet won't allow Juliet to see Romeo and Beatrice won't let Tillie go to school.
Ruth is a hard one to put up to. I guess she could be a Tybalt, because they both are the trouble making sort.
This also is a different one, but I'm matching Mr. Goodman to Frair Lawrence. Both are kind of the helpers behind the scenes you could say. The goal is to support either Juliet or Tillie.
For Contrasting, I could put the goals of the girls (love for Juliet, knowledge for Tillie), and I guess the kind of "cruelty" dished out. Both adults also treat/take care of/handle, their children differently. (And the love balance for their children definatly shows.)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-In-The-Moon Marigolds

Act I

Relating to this play -  This play is really hard to relate to, but I guess if I had to choose someone, it would be Tillie. She is laughed at for not being like everyone else, but shes really smart. Her moter, Beatrice, doesn't allow her to do certain things. But, I guess I could relate to that akwardness, and stuff. I, too, love school and can really get into some subjects.
With the others, I cant see myself in Ruth, or Beatrice for that matter. Nanny? No.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Romeo and Juliet Essay

I journaled about Romeo for my project
Throughout the play, Romeo practically did a one-eighty. From his feelings to his life, everything changed. At the start of the play, Romeo was portrayed as a fragile, love-sick child. (well, maybe not a child, but you know what  I mean right?) He practically moped about the scenes, his heart broken by his love Rosaline, who vowed to never marry.
Upon receiving information on a party Rosaline would be attending, he was determined to see her. I guess things didn’t go as plan, because Romeo met Juliet instead. He fell face-first in love with her, kissing her after minutes. With her being a Capulet, and him being a Montague, things did not bode well for the young pair. In there somewhere is a marriage, and the quarreling families are secretly joined by “The Powers That Be.” (Yeah, I mean God.) So, Romeo skips off, meeting up with Mercutio and Benvolio. With the luck of a tragedy, Mercutio and Tybalt die and Romeo is banned from Verona.
Romeo high tails it to Mantua with Balthasar. Back in Verona, Juliet is set to marry Paris. Inlay deceit and anger – all that nasty stuff….And voila! Master plan of “killing” Juliet and cue the turmoil. Romeo is lured back home to Juliet’s tomb. He drowns himself in heart-chilling poetry (and a little poison of course.). Just as it happens Juliet wakes seconds later and also kills herself – for real this time – with Romeo’s dagger.
Thus ends this play.